Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sant Esteve: a really strange day

Here in Catalunya it's not a working day, it's Sant Esteve. Many catalan families gather all the members and have copious and big meals with (hopefully) happyness all around. As so, today I went with my mum to visit my grandparents and we had a really good lunch. That was the easy part of today.

What did I do later? I got to my flat and thought it would be great to study a little bit as for yesterday didn't do much and neither this morning. As I started, I realised I got two lost calls from a friend. I called her at once and spend some minutes talking with her: we set a dinner to see each other! After more than six months! it's been really great seeing you again Anna, I've really missed you.

Later on, I tried to study a bit more. It was impossible tough. Talking with Anna brought Marta to my mind again. I still miss her and with our stupid "fights" we are setting our friends in between. Don't really know how to behave, swallow my proud and try to "solve" things seems a good option but I am not sure it's the best. The best thing will probably be to see her again and really *talk* with her: see what's wrong, why everything went so wrong, what I did badly (because I'm sure I did :(), what she did badly... All these are thoughts that are coming to my mind, it will be good to, as we say here in Spain, "consultar con la almoahada" (ask my pillow!).

Wanna know what? I went running again!!! YESSSSSSSS at least i did! It was for only 15minutes though. However, it was reliefing finally being able to run! The feeling is *AWESOME*. Tomorrow 20 minutes more are coming :D I expect my muscles to handle the effort as it is not really much ;).

The dinner with Anna was great, as always is with her. It's really easy having fun with her! Lots of kisses Anna! I couldn't stay any longer because tomorrow i have to get up early but there will be plenty of opportunities in the future because I for sure will go to visit you in Denmark more often.

Well, that's all for now folks...


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